Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Free Tarot Reading for a Limited Time Period !!!! EXPIRED....

I will be providing a free tarot reading for a limited time. All you have to do is follow the below steps:

1.Click on the Follow button and become a follower of my blog
2. Type your questions in comments of this post. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL ME YOUR QUESTIONS. I will respond to your question only if they are typed in comment section of this blog.
3. Click on +1 icon below this post next to facebook, twitter icons.
4. Any kind of inappropriate or spam questions will be deleted immediately along with your subscription for lifetime.
5. Leave your email address along with your question, if you do not wish the reading to be posted on blog. If email is provided, I will mail you the reading.


  1. I am curious about my career profile for the next 6 months. Do give me a reading on

  2. I am curious about my career after I finish my studies (which is in 2 months). What should be my priorities when making decisions related to career?

  3. Hey, where's my tarot reading? I did all the steps you specified on your blog post?

  4. @shubham, thanks for posting. Could you please provide me with an email id too....where I should email you your reading.

    P.S. Providing the email id is also one of the mandatory step.

  5. @Shubham, your reading has been emailed to your private id

  6. Thanks Anuradha, the reading was very helpful. :)

  7. Please comment upon: My career, Husband's career and relocation/when

    Thank you for your kindness, Anuradha

  8. @Moonluxe, I will respond to your queries soon...

  9. Hey Anuradha,

    Thanks for such a sweet offer! Coincidentally, I was thinking of seeking guidance, and your message popped up in my twitter! :)

    So, my question is about my career. For some reason, every time I start working on some of my own, but work related projects, I hit a block - either mental or creative or both. What guidance do the cards have for me to get over this block?

    Also, if the cards could provide me with any guidance for my career for the next couple of years, that too would be very helpful.

    My email id is

    I am eagerly awaiting your reply… :)

    Thanks once again for such a sweet offer…

    Many Blessings,


  10. Hi Madhavi,
    I have mailed your reading...

  11. Hi Anuradha,

    I have been reding random blogs a lot lately, and I am thankful that I stumbled upon this blog. It has some real cool info and I find myself increasingly intruiged by tarot cards.

    I am not a reader myself, so I would really appreciate if you could tell me something about me that is on my mind lately, and for which I have been meaning to take some advice! Its like I hit on your blog in the right time! I am concerned about my marriage, and I am wondering if I would have a fulfilling married life, and what kind of a girl my life partner would be! I would really appreciate your readings on this. My id is Apologies for this strange looking id, but I do not use my real id online unless it is absolutely essential to avoid spam flodding my email box.

    And good work Anuradha. Thanks for the readings in advance. Looking forward to reading them.

    Best Regards.

  12. @Legen - wait for it - dary!, I have mailed your reading.

  13. Thanks Anuradha, it is indeed really helpful. Thanks again for your time. Best of luck with your endeavors.

  14. Hi , this is vikas here age 35 , can i know by when will i be getting married and what sort of person would it be.... her background, education.

    Would she be known to me ...

    Kindly do email me at

  15. Hi Anuradha,

    I have been struggling for 14 years. I lost my job last year and am unable to get one.
    When will I get a job?

